Every pupil involved in the instrumental music curriculum should develop an appreciation for music in its various forms through musical experiences and activities, which will enable them to use their leisure time in a worthwhile manner. Since music is one of the most universal experiences of mankind, it provides a medium for understanding other cultures. Music serves as a means of building and expressing individual and group feelings, and as a moral, spiritual, physical, emotional, and social force, and particularly its performance is certainly one of the most demanding as well as rewarding disciplines that man has created. To pursue and to master this great discipline requires that the student dedicate himself-not that music is more important than the student, but that the student can only reach his highest potential as a human being to the extent that he devotes himself to music. (“The Study of Music: An Academic Discipline”).
- To develop in each student the highest level of music proficiency and appreciation possible.
- To encourage each student to grow and develop as a useful and successful member of today’s society.
- To aid in establishing a closer link between school and community.
- To develop a sense of pride in each student as a result of accomplishments achieved through hard work and real desire.
- To develop the leadership potential within each student.
- To learn to communicate musical expressions.
- To think, feel and act creatively with musical materials.
- To develop hand, finger, muscle, eye, and breathing coordination.
- To help the students be more discriminatory in their choice of leisure time musical activities and acquainting them with a wide range of good music.
- To understand that different kinds of music are a part of our complex culture, and to appreciate the rights of all people to produce or listen to the kind of music they prefer.
- To teach teamwork and responsibility of oneself to the others around him/her.
- Members of the organization will never do anything to embarrass himself/herself, the school, or the marching/concert band at any time, either in uniform or out of uniform.
- Members are expected to honor the requests of all school personnel including bus drivers and adult chaperones.
- A member is expected to be in the right place at the right time, and with the right attitude, ready to learn.
- Members are expected to take pride in all aspects of the marching band, concert band and school.
- Strive constantly to be a better person.
- Listen to all kinds of music at every opportunity.
- Play all kinds of music at every opportunity.
- Practice on a regular daily schedule.
By becoming a member of the organization a student takes on a responsibility not only to succeed as an individual, but also to do his utmost to insure the success of his/her marching band. This means he/she also has a responsibility to the other members in the group.
- Must be an enrolled student at Harrison High School or our affiliated Great Oaks School.
- Must adhere to stated school policy where applicable.
- All conflicts with extra-curricular, pre-determined schedules shall be handled on an individual basis by the directors.
- Action taken for unexcused absence from a performance–failure given for that performance with no chance for make-up assignments.
- Any student who is absent from two performances within the same grading period, without a valid excuse, will be suspended from all remaining performances that occur during that grading period.
- A member may be excused from a performance using one of two methods:
- Written Notice- This must be given to the director at least 24 hours before the performance. The member’s parent(s) must sign the notice.
Note: A written note does not automatically excuse the absence.
The validity of the excuse will be at the director’s discretion.
- An Emergency Situation: An emergency such as sickness, death in the immediate family, etc., should be validated by phone call, in writing, or a conference at the earliest convenience.
- Half-Day Rule: Please Read Carefully- Students must be in school by the beginning of fifth period on the day of a performance. Failure to do this eliminates you from the activity and subjects you to punishment outlined in this document. This includes all weekend activities, rehearsals, and performances.
- Any student who is not prepared for a performance, due to either a lack of preparation or attendance will not perform. The student is required to attend the performance. Whether or not a student performs will be determined by the directors.
Students that are not participating in marching band will have time to rehearse and study music privately. Students will be expected to play at the JS concert in October to show what they have accomplished. Students will be given music and objectives to complete to get themselves prepared for concerts and future musical activities.
****NEW***** Students can opt out of performing at the JS concert by participating in all Home Football Games. Students must purchase the Polo and Hoodie to use as their uniform for the events************
- The first area of responsibility deals with the rehearsal. Each member is expected to attend and strive to attend by making the necessary adjustments in their schedule as needed. If it becomes necessary to be absent from a rehearsal, the absence will not be excused unless a note from your parents is presented to the band director prior to the scheduled rehearsal. Of course exceptions are made in cases of emergency or unforeseeable circumstances.
- All conflicts with extra-curricular, predetermined schedules shall be handled on an individual basis by the band directors.
- Attendance at summer rehearsals and/or after school rehearsals: A student may be excused from a rehearsal using one of two methods:
- A written excuse given 24 hours in advance.
- Emergency situations are handled the same as for a performance.
Note: A written note does not automatically excuse the absence. The validity of the excuse will be at the director’s discretion.
- Possible action for unexcused absence during the marching season. One Unexcused Absence- Warning, special extra work project, and/or points subtracted from the student’s grade and/or suspension from a performance.
- If a student misses any rehearsal (excused or unexcused) before a parade, football game, or any special performance, he/she should make an effort to know his/her part well. If the part is not prepared then the student will not perform at the performance. The directors will decide whether a student will perform. The student is required to attend the performance even if he/she does not perform. An excused absence will not lower your grade.
- All marching band members must attend summer band camps. Only in extreme cases will an absence from summer camps be excused. The validity of excuses will be determined by the directors. Unexcused absences from summer band camps will result in exclusion from performances. This will affect the student’s grade.
- If a student has more than 3 unexcused absences they will be suspended from the marching band and will not be permitted to attend contests and special events.
In rehearsals and performances, disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. This behavior will affect the student’s grade. Remember you represent Harrison High School at all times during and after school, at home and when out in the public.
- Disciplinary actions involving grades will be dealt with solely by Mr. Egan
- Everyone must abide by the rules of the student handbook and this handbook.
- Accessories- all marching band uniform accessories must be purchased through music boosters and/or former band members. A price sheet is attached to this handbook. Socks-all band students must provide themselves with black socks.
- Other: T-shirts, and other expenditures will be determined by the band and will be paid for in advance. Trips- students will provide for themselves money for the purchase of food, souvenirs, etc.
- Concert Band Students must Purchase the correct Dress for ladies and tux- shirt and pants for gentlemen. We will have two fitting days to be properly measured for each.
- Students that are using any of the school owned instruments (including all Percussion) must pay the $50 rental fee included with your school fees. Students who own their own instruments will receive a voucher to void this fee.
- Marching Band Fees have been adjusted for this year. We will have a flat fee of $250 for band members and $350 for Color guard. The fee covers, Uniform cleaning, music arrangements, drill design, special uniform parts, equipment, meals at games contest registration. If needed you can break the fee up into multiple payments. The fee is collected by the music boosters. Please make all checks out to Harrison Music Boosters; we can now accept credit cards.
- Fundraising, we expect all students participating in the music programs at Harrison to participate in every fundraiser. I know it seems like we do a ton of them but music programs are very expensive to operate. If you are not comfortable participating in “sale” fundraisers you can do a $40 buyout from these events. We do 2 of these sales every year.
Music event Fundraisers….Many of our major fundraisers are running music events. During these events we will need parent and student volunteers to make each event run smoothly. We will have meetings and sign-ups for all of these events like the marching band contest, Cabaret, Large Group shows, etc.
- Instruments are the responsibility of the individual before, during,and after band. The school will not be held responsible for damage or theft. Don’t expect someone else to take care of your instrument! It will be the student’s responsibility to maintain his or her instrument in workable, playing condition for every rehearsal and performance.
- All reed woodwind players will be responsible for purchasing their own reeds. The High School will have individual reeds available for the price of $2 per reed or $30 for a box of reeds.
- Percussion-each percussionist will pay a fee of $25.00 to offset the cost of sticks and mallets. The care and condition of all school- owned equipment is the responsibility of all percussionists.
- There is a $50.00 Instrument Usage Fee for all school-owned instruments. Checks payable to Harrison High School
The marching band uniform and concert band jackets will be cleaned for summer storage and issued to the student before each of the band’s first performance in the new school year. Each student is responsible for taking take care of his or her own uniform. The student is responsible to have the complete uniform and to be ready to go 15 minutes before the starting time designated by the directors, unless otherwise stated. If any part of the uniform is found, the student will be fined $2.00 that will be used for maintenance and dry-cleaning. If the entire uniform is found, a $5.00 fee will be charged. The student is financially responsible for the complete replacement value of any lost, stolen, or damaged uniform.
Performance/Dress Attire:
Full Uniform – Your uniform will be worn at all home football games, concerts and other performance opportunities agreed to by the directors. It consists of Jacket w/Sash, Bibbers, Shako, Black Shoes, and Black Socks. Inspection will be held prior to each performance. Failure to pass inspection may result in the student’s suspension from that or future performances.
Summer/Away Game Uniforms – This uniform will be used for parades and other performance opportunities when we are not in full marching attire. Marching band green polo shirt, khaki shorts, and gym shoes with white socks. Blue Jeans may be substituted at the director’s discretion.
Concert Band Uniform
Men: Tux Shirt, Black Tux Pants, Black Shoes with Black Socks, Tux Jacket and Bowtie will be provided by Music department
Women: Concert Dress Black Shoes and Black stockings
PEP Band Uniform
All Students are required to participate in Basketball Pep Band
Dress is Band Polo and Blue Jeans. Band Polo can be purchased for $25 from the Music Boosters
- No gum chewing, candy, or food in the music room or during rehearsal. Since wind players cannot play their best with gum in their mouth, all band members are asked to leave gum and/or candy in their purse or pocket even better—-the trash can!!!
- No smoking or consumption of alcohol or drugs during band functions. No member will come to rehearsal or performance after consuming alcohol or drugs. **DISCIPLINARY ACTION** EXPULSION FROM BAND PERFORMANCES FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SEASON.
- Always try to be at practices 15 minutes early during the summer rehearsals.
- Read the bulletin board outside the band office!! You are responsible for important news placed there by the directors.
- Always have your equipment in good playing condition–when you need oil, reeds, or repairs, plan to see your band director before practice begins.
- You are expected to stay in your seats during the football games. Have your instrument ready to play a specific song. No Jam Sessions!!!
- Students must be in the band’s section of the bleachers during the 1st, 2nd, and 4th quarters of the football games. Do not be late back to the stands at the end of 3rd quarter! (That is 1:00 on the clock) Disciplinary action for the entire band will be given for every second late.
- The entire band will sit together in the stands as a unit at all functions. No one else will be permitted to sit with the band. Save the love and kisses for your boyfriends and girlfriends until after the performance. That includes alumni.
- Members must remain in full dress uniform at ALL band performances unless otherwise stated by the director.
- The band will march in and out of the stadium as a group.
- Individual breaks to restroom during football games will be allowed only within reason. No other personal business will be allowed unless it is an absolute emergency. Have parents who must drop off something to you come to the band area. You will not be allowed to leave the band area!!
- All information in this handbook applies to members of the marching band and flag corps, with the exception of the grading policy, which applies solely to the marching band.
- Visitors to the band area will only be permitted within reason, and only for a maximum of five minutes. The director will revoke this privilege anytime if it is abused.
- Students should be prepared to stay for the whole game. There will sometimes be post-game responsibilities for home games that are considered part of our performance schedule.
- All students should ride the bus to and from all performances unless cleared in advance by the director. Traveling on the bus before and after a performance is strongly desired to help create a feeling of unity and togetherness. If you feel you must ride home with your family, prior written permission from a parent must be given or your parent must seethe director personally at the performance. No one will be dismissed without parental permission.
- Do everything with the attitude of doing it for the sake of doing it right and with perfection.
- This book has attempted to help you know some of the details a class organization needs to share. Don’t hesitate to discuss problems not mentioned. This is your band!!!
- Appointments – doctor’s appointments, etc. should be scheduled around band rehearsals/performances whenever possible.
- Appeals: Appeals should be made to the director as soon as possible. The overall desire of the director is to be firm, but fair. These rules are necessary to protect the organization from irresponsibility, not penalize any one person.
- Be sure to read the High School’s Student Handbook. All rules in the handbook apply to this organization.
Grades for marching band and Concert Band will be based upon the following criteria:
- Attendance at rehearsals and performances. SEE ATTENDANCE POLICY.
- Playing exams will be given to each student for purposes of music memorization when called for and Playing tests of prepared music for concerts
- Uniform inspection Concert and Marching.
- Attitude & Effort
Band Night is long standing tradition with the Harrison High School Marching Band. It is a date set aside to draw attention to the extra efforts put forth by band members at football games. Specifically, senior band members and their parents are recognized during the pre-game festivities of a home football game. Boutonnieres will be provided for senior band members. Senior band members will march as usual during the pre-game show, but will retreat to the sidelines to escort their parents at a designated point in the show. Following the introduction of all senior band members and their parents, the band will continue with the rest of the pre-game ceremonies.
Band Contests
The Band will be competing at 2-4 MSBA Contests. At these shows we will travel as a band to compete against other bands from the area. We plan on Competing at 2-4 shows this year all of which are on Saturdays and are mandatory for all marching band members.
Contests are mandatory. We need everybody at every show to be successful. Each contest will count as a major test grade for the course.
Band Contests can be an all-day event. We will know show times and set locations a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the show.
Basketball Band
All Band Students are required to participate in basketball band. Schedule TBA, we participate at a minimum of 10 home basketball games. If a student is not able to participate in all 10 games students can choose to participate at OMEA Solo and Ensemble. Your grade will be based off of your score you receive at OMEA (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, no show =F)
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Band camp is physically and mentally strenuous. It is assumed that each band member will take care of themselves at all times!!
NOTE: The marching band has the honor to represent Southwest Local Schools and its community at numerous events throughout the year. We are a “visual ambassador” for the district and community. This lends itself to other performance opportunities for the marching band to participate in during the year. This may include, but is not limited to, additional performances and or changes in the current rehearsal or performance schedule. We will give you as much advance notice as possible in the event that this would occur. Your flexibility and cooperation in these matters is most appreciated.
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