Let's do it again! Come see the Band and Guard perform their show, Now You See Me, Now You Don't, at Springboro H.S. at the third competition of the year. Report to School: 1:30 Dress and Load Truck: 2:30 Leave for Springboro: 3:15 Gates open: 4:00 Warm-up: 5:25 Perform! 6:30 Awards: 7:15 Pack up, eat, Read More >>
The band and guard will put on a full run of their show, open to all who want to see how well they have progressed from their parent preview show in August. Showtime is 6:00pm
Final show of the season! Come see how much we have improved from the preview night. MSBA - West Clermont 8:00 report to High School and warm-up 9:15 Load and dress 10:15 Bus leaves for West Clermont 12:30 Warm-Up 1:30 Performance 4:00 Awards 4:45 Leave for Harrison 5:30 Arrive at Harrison