Information for Parents and Students of Southwest Local Band Programs
Let's do it again! Come see the Band and Guard perform their show, Now You See Me, Now You Don't, at Springboro H.S. at the third competition of the year. Report to School: 1:30 Dress and Load Truck: 2:30 Leave for Springboro: 3:15 Gates open: 4:00 Warm-up: 5:25 Perform! 6:30 Awards: 7:15 Pack up, eat, Read More >>
4:30 Report to Harrison Elementary 5:00 Parade! 5:45 Done Dress: Show shirt with shorts/jeans
The band and guard will put on a full run of their show, open to all who want to see how well they have progressed from their parent preview show in August. Showtime is 6:00pm
Final show of the season! Come see how much we have improved from the preview night. MSBA - West Clermont 8:00 report to High School and warm-up 9:15 Load and dress 10:15 Bus leaves for West Clermont 12:30 Warm-Up 1:30 Performance 4:00 Awards 4:45 Leave for Harrison 5:30 Arrive at Harrison