Information for Parents and Students of Southwest Local Band Programs
The band WILL travel to this game. Report time to school for the bus will be 5:00
First show, let's go! Hard work and football games have prepared the band for this first competition of the year! Student info: Report to high school at 11:25 (eat before you arrive!) 11:30-12:30 rehearse 12:30-1:30 dress and eat lunch (student bring a lunch!) 1:30 board bus and depart for EC Arrive and Gates open at Read More >>
Come see what the music boosters do. Vote on issues. Provide suggestions. Join in the fun of the music boosters!
The band will NOT travel to this game. Enjoy the night off!
James VanDeGrift Stadium (this is not the same as the address for the high school, be aware) 160 Miller Rd. Lebanon, OH 45036 Let's go marching Wildcats! Second competition of the year, now with less nerves and jitters! Student Info: 7:30 Report to Harrison H.S. 8:30 Load and dress 9:30 Leave for Lebanon Read More >>
Let's do it again! Come see the Band and Guard perform their show, Now You See Me, Now You Don't, at Springboro H.S. at the third competition of the year. Report to School: 1:30 Dress and Load Truck: 2:30 Leave for Springboro: 3:15 Gates open: 4:00 Warm-up: 5:25 Perform! 6:30 Awards: 7:15 Pack up, eat, Read More >>